• Recently filed W2s are not listed in Aatrix History button

    We recently filed 2023 W2s and completed the process except printing the employee copies to pdf for our records. I understand that the Aatrix files are located inside the company folder on the server where they were processed and we can see them there…
  • New CRA Requirement on Dental Coverage Reporting on T4

    With the new CRA requirement that all Canadian employers now identify if dental coverage was available to each employee (the new Box 45 on T4 or Box 015 on T4-A), when can Sage users expect the update for this? As it will be required to go in on an…
  • Ohio W2s Ohio Business Gateway

    Apparently, even though Aatrix will upload W2s to the state of Ohio for you, I am reading that all employers with over 10 W2s must upload W2s manually on the Ohio Business Gateway in EFW2 format. If this is true, I am at a loss. Does anyone know this…