• Payroll Calculations - Health Insurance

    Our company pays 100% of premiums for our employees. Therefore, I have had payroll calculations setup for EE, EE+Spouse, EE + Dependents, and Family. These are all based on a rate per pay period. We have a new employee that we are only paying for him…
  • Fringe benefits and before tax IRA

    I have a payroll question related to fringes and employee IRA contributions. This is a simple IRA and is taken before taxes. I have the fringes set up as a benefit on the appropriate paygroups with an offset for each employee based on the benefits we…
  • Federal Income Tax allowance

    On the Calculations tab for an Employee (5-2-1) how do I specify that the Federal allowances specified on the employee's W-4 is "married but withhold at higher single rate"?