• Illinois SUI rate is 3 decimal places and gets rounded to 2 for calculations in Enhanced Tax Reporting

    Our current Illinois SUI is now 3 decimal places, 0.525%, but the Enhanced Tax Reporting feature rounds this off to 0.53% for calculations, resulting in extra tax... Can this be fixed or is there a work-around?
  • Setting up a Payroll deduction for Roth contributions.

    I need to set up a payroll deduction for Roth contributions. The only suggestion I can find in the Knowledge base is for Sage 100 which recommends setting the deduction type to pension and deselecting all taxes. Is this the same for Businessworks?
  • Can I run my 2017 payroll before w-2's are complete?

    Do I just need to close my current month (December) first and download the service pack? Will the service pack change my w-2 numbers because of the new 2017 tax tables even if December is closed before it is downloaded? Can I still make changes to…