• AR module disappeared

    Sage 2019 app n db on one server. SQL database in use. Users of AR module were complaining of batch posting being slow so a reboot was done. After reboot realized , Ar module completely disappeared. Steps taken: 1. Did a sage full repair yet AR…
  • Sage 300 Web Screens Posting Batch entry Stuck

    Sage 300 v2020 PU4 on AWS cloud Server ll works fine on the desktop version, however, when trying to create a batch entry within the Web Screens in AR Invoice it hangs and does not add an entry, it allows navigation to other modules and adding batch…
  • How to reverse an AR Refund Entry that do not have Bank Code?

    Hi All, I posted an AR Refund Entry that is using Cash Payment, No Bank Code, use Cash Account instead. It does not have a Bank Code so I cannot use the Reverse Transaction from Bank Transaction. Any other way to reverse this refund? Thank …
  • Customs Duties - How do we add them as additional costs with different rates for different items.

    Hi all. With American tariffs changing a lot recently, and therefore being volatile and different between types of products, we are looking for a way to add customs duties as additional costs based on each of the individual duty/tariff rates for each…