• Price check failed when processing an OE

    I have setup price Check with Price Check approval. However, when processing the O/E . Whether the price is below the percentage threshold or not . l get the below errror message: "Description: The price check failed because currently the unit cost…
  • Reset Bank Reconciliation Sage 300

    Problem We are old Sage 50 users but new to Sage 300 - we have posted a bank reconciliation and the book balance and GL balance do not match. We have an idea what happened but we would like to start over. I have 30 bank accounts in a single db so resting…
  • I/C Inventory Reconciliation (ICWK02)

    When we do stock count only on some items it shows the correct quantity on hand some items its shows the quantity counted but then on others it just shows 0.0000 even though the variance is correct, How can we fix this