• Price check failed when processing an OE

    I have setup price Check with Price Check approval. However, when processing the O/E . Whether the price is below the percentage threshold or not . l get the below errror message: "Description: The price check failed because currently the unit cost…
  • Sage 300 GL batch posting freezes

    Sage 300 Premium (Version 2022) SQL 2019 on Windows Server 2019 GL batch posting freezes during month end closing periods and Sage 300 becomes inaccessible for anyone who wants to further login. Other logged in users won't be able to post from GL…
  • Data Integrity Bank Entry Error

    Sage 300 ERP 2016, working through my data integrity issues and there is a warning that I would like to resolve. The message is "W: G/L Account 'XXXXXXXX' is inactive, but can be used." It does give a sequence number with the error and when I go to BKENTH…