• Posting Payroll

    Our payroll period is 5.9.22 - 5.22.22. Payday is 5.27.22. After we are done with payroll, we post payroll. Our GL manager stated that there are unposted items. Can we run a repost? Before our next payroll pay date?
  • How to Add a Shipment using the Advantage dll or the Web Api?

    I have been trying to add a shipment to a Sales Order but haven't been able to do so. Did not see any option to such transaction on the Web Api so moved the Advantage dll. Tried to write to the view OE0434 and it does create a shipment, however I…
  • Correcting a Billing dated in future period

    I have an entry that won't post due to an error in the billing date. How do I correct the date so it will post in the correct period?
  • Batch email processing gives random results

    We are trying to perform a batch print from a processed file. There are 21 customers in the file and each requires that an email be sent, when we try and run through the process it seems to randomly email only a portion of the customers. Last time it…