A round up of articles about Self Service

2 minute read time.

Sage CRM self service interface enables you to allow your customers, partners, and suppliers to access a subset of your Sage CRM data and functionality over the web whenever they want or need it. It is able to be fully integrated with your own website to ensure your customers benefit from an entirely seamless experience.

The Self Service interface uses a version of the classic ASP API. These are the Sage CRM COM objects that provide not only access to a database Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) tasks but also HTML generation capabilities. That means that it can quickly create web pages and is not just a way of interacting with the application data.

The Self Service interface makes direct use of the Sage CRM metadata and the objects of the COM API. This means that if a change is made to metadata then this is reflected immediately with the ASP pages of the Self Service application just like it would be in the main interface.

If the Sage CRM server is down then the Self Service ASP pages will not work.

The Self Service requests to the CRM tables pass through the application data management layer, so may trigger table-level scripts as new rows are inserted, or existing data is updated or deleted. This allows audit trails to be created. Self Service is able to keep track of 'visitors' and typically you would track the authenticated access to data.

I want to look at the articles on this site that can help you understand the general administration options of Self Service.

The articles can be grouped together in a number of different areas

Introduction and Demoing

Installation and Architecture


Understanding Self Service API

Implementing a corporate self-service site.

Other stuff!