• SageX3 - Selection List

    Hi, in a custom selection script like this: GSELFAC = 1 : # campo che deve ritornare Filter [F:YPROD] CRITERE = "[F:YPROD]YITMREF='"+[M:POH2]ITMREF(nolign-1)+"'" NBCOL = 0 NBCOL +=1 : COL(NBCOL) = "[F:YPROD]YCODPROD" : TIT(NBCOL) = "Cod.Produttore…
  • 1) Mass delete BPS Invoices 2) DocLink/DocAlpha

    1) Is there a way to mass delete BPS Invoices? I have 1900 to delete. 2) Duplicate and triplicate Invoices have imported into Sage X3v12 p17 from DocLink/DocAlpha. This is the second or third time it has happened. Does anyone have advice on what might…