• Finding Lot numbers on Unconfirmed Deliveries

    Our business would like to print packing slips before delivery confirmation. In most cases, I can see the lot numbers from screen WK4STD1 but I cannot find the table where that lot is stored. SDELIVERYD seems to only have a lot number for some records…
  • Using SQL Function in SQL Requester

    Hi, I am creating a simple SQL Requester which will pull back data from 2 tables - PREQUIS and ACLOB. I wish to use a SQL Function I have to convert the CLOB Text from RTF to 'readable' text. This works fine in SQL, but when I try in the SQL Requester…
  • Printing Record keeps on loading in Sales Order but it never print

    I got a problem regarding the sales order report printing , it keeps on loading but it never print . I'm just asking why was this happen . It only happen with this particular SO number.
  • How to remap fields in SEI processes after db field name changes?

    Some fields in our X3 db were renamed. SEI process currently refers to old field names. Is it possible to remap field references in process? I was hoping to be able to update references in the relevant process files in CentralPoint. But this hasn…