• Adding Total Deposit to Left List On Manual Remittance Screen (GESFRM)

    I'm trying to add the total deposit on the left list on the Manual Remittance Screen. This value is a summation from the PAYMENTH table on the field AMTCUR and is present on the screen as "Company Total." I'm struggling with how to go about this because…
  • Object fields

    Can i declare more than 16 fields in an object ? If positive, how ?
  • How to change record by code

    Hi, Anyone knows if it's possible to change a record by code without leaving and entering the object? For instance, a button on a window that forces the current record to other than the one currently loaded. Is there any standard call…
  • Left list: Problems with linking tables

    Hi, I have a problem with a left list. I want to add a field in a left list which consists of the BPADDRESS fields POSCOD and CITY. ([F:BPA]POSCOD-[F:BPA]CTY). Only the default address should be shown. In order to only shown the default address…
  • Data in customized window not Saved

    I created screens and window which is shown below. The first problem I face is that when I clicked Save button, only the first row of the table in RFQ is saved. Both "RFQ1810002" and "RFQ1810003" did not save. Besides, the second question is that when…
  • Programmatically changing the left list

    I am trying to write some code against SPESOH such that when a user creates a new Sales Order and then selects a Customer, X3 will switch the focus of the left list from the SOH (Sales Order) selection to the SQ1 (Quote) selection if a quote exists for…