• Add a new field to SDELIVERY from BPCUSTOMER table

    Hi, I want to add a new field value to SDELIVERY to store the value of a field from BPCUSTOMER table. We have a field on BPCUSTOMER - YDROPSHIP table ( datatype M, chapter =1 ). We set the field value when we create the customer record. I want to…

    Hi, This may not be an error as much as a question as the internal workings of Sage X3. I've been setting up reports for our Sales department, but they weren't lining up wtih our Actuals. I realized that I was utilizing SORDER.SHIDAT_0 instead of SDELIVERYD…
  • How can i hide a row of a table in sage x3?

    Hello, I have to hide a row of a table. I have tried with: CHGFMT [M:YYY]NBLIG(nolign-1) WITH "-K:10", but this action hides the entire table I have tried whit: CHGFMT [M:YYY]FIELD1(nolign-1) WITH "-K:10" : CHGFMT [M:YYY]FIELD2(nolign-1) WITH "…
  • Left list: Problems with linking tables

    Hi, I have a problem with a left list. I want to add a field in a left list which consists of the BPADDRESS fields POSCOD and CITY. ([F:BPA]POSCOD-[F:BPA]CTY). Only the default address should be shown. In order to only shown the default address…
  • Creating new BP address field on Delivery

    The requirement is to print the company name, address, and contact details of the party responsible for paying for duties/taxes on a delivery. This may be different than the BPC listed on the delivery record. I am trying to add a BP number and related…
  • "last count date" in itmmvt table

    I have a product that had a cycle count completed on it, but the date isn't reflected in the last count date field in the itmmvt table. Did my users miss a step ?