• CONTOBJ treatment failed on dossie/folder validation on Homologation

    When trying to create/duplicate a customer in the customers function in the homologation dossier. We found error on @X3.TRT/CONTOB looking for rd_tiv funcion wich not found. We're trying dossie valitation, but we're found the same error. Version 12.0…

    Hi everyone, I get stuck in a problem due to not knowing how to return an array from a Funprog I mean, I'd like to know if it is possible how to return an array from a Funprog Something like: ########################################################################…
  • Enable/Disable modification of an entry

    Normally, whenever you want to create any entry in sage X3, there are two ways, 1. either by clicking the "New Button" 2. "Modifying the existing entry", just need to remove the entry number, press TAB, and all of the attributes of the existing entry…
  • Using SQL Function in SQL Requester

    Hi, I am creating a simple SQL Requester which will pull back data from 2 tables - PREQUIS and ACLOB. I wish to use a SQL Function I have to convert the CLOB Text from RTF to 'readable' text. This works fine in SQL, but when I try in the SQL Requester…
  • Product-site creation function in Standard code [Sage X3 V7]

    Hello, I want to use the standard function of product-site creation. it will be like Call ... From TRTCREITF (Or something like that ). Is there any developper who used this function before ? I need also which parameters to pass to this function …
  • Left list: Problems with linking tables

    Hi, I have a problem with a left list. I want to add a field in a left list which consists of the BPADDRESS fields POSCOD and CITY. ([F:BPA]POSCOD-[F:BPA]CTY). Only the default address should be shown. In order to only shown the default address…
  • Payment Receipt Entry Lock Down Function Before closing Period

    Is it possible to lock down this function for a period without have to disable the function on each profile. We need this to happen when we are finished with one site for a period. We do not want the users to book anymore entries.