• Editing Field to Screen

    Hi Everyone! I try to edit Column Type Input and chose Enter but after saving error will goes like this Does anyone know if I am doing this correctly? Thanks!
  • Link to a read-only page (representation) on a Visual Process

    We'd like to put the read-only pages on visual processes so that we can limit the number of locks generated on objects like customers and sales orders. The process is reasonably straight-forward - set the link type to URL and copy and paste the relevant…
  • Recall Memos in visual processes

    It is possible to create an icon in a visual process, that are linked to CPTDUM fucntion and to a specific Memo created on CPTDUM?
  • V12 Patch 23 Visual Process Editor - Can't Edit URL

    Trying to edit the URL field for type URL to link to Syracuse functions. Clicking OK I get "Error Invalid value", which I assume refers to the URL field. In this example I'm editing an existing function, and the link value is : /sdata/syracuse/collaboration…
  • Link to Syracuse function in Visual Process

    When I'm creating or modifying a visual process it's easy to link any element with any function like products (GESITM), or customers (GESBPC) or anyone. But I can't link to Syracuse funcion (the items under Administration menu) like users, groups or roles…
  • Visual Process - Using Actions and Mini Menus

    Hi, I work with the creation of Visual Processes for our organisation. Documentation seems to be far and few between, I've been trying to find a detailed manual on VP creation, but come up empty handed. I've recently noticed that the ACTION button…
  • How to get data from the other class?

    I created two classes. One is Factory planning, another one is workshop planning. Factory planning, create product plan and give it to workshop. Workshop planning, create product plan and give it to worker. When workshop header create plan, he…
  • How to customize representation page?

    Hi there, I tried to implement a small business using Sage X3. I had to make a my own new page. So for this, I did like as follows. - First I created a table and class. - After that I created a representation - At last, I made a mobile dashboard…