• Maximum stock limit in Sage X3

    Hello, can anyone tell me how can I setup the maximum stock quantity for a product site. I tried adding it in product site but don't know how it works, the system still allows me to receive more stock. I need such a setup that once the maximum quantity…
  • Réapprovisionnement d'un site interne

    Bonjour, Je souhaite savoir si dans le cadre du réapprovisionnement d'un site interne ( un site de vente à partir d'un site magasin central) il est possible de plafonner les réapprovisionnements sur une période bien déterminée? En d'autre terme, il…
  • Is it possible to automatically receive product in at a different UOM than the 'Stock unit'

    Would like to automatically receive product in as a pallet, but maintain a stock unit in cases. Thank you
  • Changing the FIFO dates in X3. Manually.

    Currently when product is received into X3 to any location it is tagged with a receipt date. This is the date that travels with the product and drives the FIFO order for each product. Is there a way to manually FIFO inventory to give more versatility…
  • Allocate Cases before Eaches

    The business need is to set up allocation rules that always allocates cases of product, regardless of the setup on the product record. For example, on the customer tab of the product record the unit is EA (each) If a case of that product is equal to 12…