• Product Description disappeared

    In Sage X3, PU9, Common data Module>Products>Products(GESITM) whenever I create a new product or modify the existing product, the data in description 2 and description 3 disappeared. ironically, the previous data in the same field for certain products…
  • Force to open [M:ENM] to modify stock movement through code or configuration

    Is there a way to force the popup screen on a qty line modification of a purchase receipt?
  • Representations questions on visible, invisible, technical

    The online help says.... Query, Detail, Edit, Lookup, Summary These columns represent the different facets in which the property can be used. When one of these columns is selected, the property is present in the corresponding facet. Otherwise, it…
  • Changing the FIFO dates in X3. Manually.

    Currently when product is received into X3 to any location it is tagged with a receipt date. This is the date that travels with the product and drives the FIFO order for each product. Is there a way to manually FIFO inventory to give more versatility…
  • Sage X3 V11 Autoamtic Journal (GLCO) - Post line company as dimension

    Good afternoon. With the need of one of my clients on posting inter-company journal entry. During post inter-company journal entry, "inter-company NA10 / NA011" or "Inter-company NA10 " will display on the description field of counterpart of the transaction…
  • Customize left panel

    What determines the contents of the left panel in X3v7? I would like to modify the left panel for the Supplier BP Invoice entry screen. Where is this defined and modified?