• Linking to ATABDIV (misc tables) in Graphical Query

    Has anyone ever done that? Looking to bring in the descriptions for the stat groups in ITMMASTER. And other places.
  • SQL Requestor - WHERE clause for negative amounts

    Does anyone know how to create a where clause in SQL such that For a given column (which has both negative and positive amounts), it only shows the positive amounts (or shows all negative numbers as 0.00)? I have tried, but to no avail. The expression…
  • Is there a way to SUM UP Values from two different levels?

    Ex. Summing values of a column in LEVEL1 such that you can get "Values of Column A" (which is in level 2) - "SUM of values of Column B" (level 1 detail) - See my picture for bet Is there a way to convert all "blank" fields in a requestor to 0.00 (or…