• Product Description disappeared

    In Sage X3, PU9, Common data Module>Products>Products(GESITM) whenever I create a new product or modify the existing product, the data in description 2 and description 3 disappeared. ironically, the previous data in the same field for certain products…
  • Force to open [M:ENM] to modify stock movement through code or configuration

    Is there a way to force the popup screen on a qty line modification of a purchase receipt?
  • Sage X3 V11 Autoamtic Journal (GLCO) - Post line company as dimension

    Good afternoon. With the need of one of my clients on posting inter-company journal entry. During post inter-company journal entry, "inter-company NA10 / NA011" or "Inter-company NA10 " will display on the description field of counterpart of the transaction…
  • Customize left panel

    What determines the contents of the left panel in X3v7? I would like to modify the left panel for the Supplier BP Invoice entry screen. Where is this defined and modified?