• Product Line Details

    Looking to see if anyone can direct me to a table that houses the details from Product Line entries on ITMMASTER.
  • Product Import Template not creating Product-Site

    Hello, I'm trying to build an import template that allows me to create ITMMASTER and ITMFACILIT records at the same time. These are the fields I have listed below. When I attempt to import based on this template, the Product in ITMMASTER is created…
  • Graphical Query Tool - Adding Same Table Multiple Times?

    I am trying to create a query under Graphical Query Tool to display product information using the ITMMASTER table. Each product also has multiple analytical dimensions attached to it. I am trying to link ITMMASTER to CACCE to display the dimension description…
  • Adding A New field

    I am looking to a add new field at the product Level. The field should have the option to hold options the user can pick from. Does anyone have steps on how I can do that.
  • Crystal Report DATABASE CONNECT

    How do I connect to the same database set: This is what I need to connect to. When I click on the left list. It is bringing in the table from different set.