• TS2017 Billing Assistant - Deselect All and run Generate Prebill - all clients appear under 1st client as a massive prebill

    TS2017. In trying to address a problem regarding generating a bill through Billing Assistant, I ran into another problem. 1) Load Billing Assistant. 2) Deselect all so that the total in the Billing Assistant List is zero. 3) Click Pre-Bill Worksheet.…
  • Private Text Showing on reports

    On internal and client facing reports(both custom and canned), private text is showing despite the "hide private text" box being checked. This worked in TS 2011 but ever since conversion to TS 2017, it does not work as designed.
  • User defined reporting - "In Reference to" in Slips

    Hello all, I am creating user defined reports in Timeslips 2017 (perpetual license). I have been merrily creating Client reports which include the "in reference to" field from the client record. Not a problem I have tried creating User Defined Slip…