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  • Possible Data Corruption

    Sage300 CRE Version 17.1 Rev6 We had a power issue and the database server shut down unexpectedly during operations. After the server was powered on again, several users complained they were getting errors in the application. We tried restarting the…
  • Server hard drive filled SageReplicator .slg files?

    The Sage 300 CRE C: drive filled up and caused the Data folders to look as if the rights had been removed. It was caused by .slg files like this: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\GlobalSettings\SageReplicator\4148 - 131882004005307603.slg" There were only…
  • Made Copy of Company - GL - Incompatible Account Format

    Created a New Company for testing purposes - copied all applicable files into new company per online instructions. Everything in new company seems to look OK, except the GL accounts had a different format (the - and . appear to have been removed). In…