I want an almost duplicate price level. Can I copy one price level and make adjustments to specific part pricing


We have 3 price levels and level 5 is our best pricing, but for some customers they'll get even better pricing on some parts so I want a new price level for them. I don't want to re-enter the entire inventory to create this new pricing level, so can I copy prices from one level then go back and make adjustments for specific parts?

  • 0

    Heating Supply-

    There is no option to copy a price level, but you can import up to 25 price levels for a part. As long as you are not using the pricing method Line, you can use the import part format to import in additional price levels for parts. In addition, there is also an option to create Customer Specific Pricing. Please see Knowledge Base articles below relating to these topics:


    Is there any way to activate a price level for a range of part numbers? (86146)

    How to import inventory parts (18720)

    How to update part prices (39271)

    How part pricing methods are defined and selected (30384)

    How to set up and use customer-specific pricing (81194)

