• Year end processing: from W-2, 943 and 1099-NEC

    Year end processing: Issue #1: form 943 input screen does not show line 11 or line 13 calculation until return is printed, does not allow manual change to line 10. Why?, Issue #2: Child employees under age of 18 are exempt from paying social security…
  • Autorenewing Sage Business Care Shows Plan Level:None

    Hello All, I am new to this forum, but have been a Peachtree/Sage50 user for a long time. This is the second problem with Sage in last 2 weeks...I still wonder if there is a bug in the build...Sage says there is not. Anyway, when I tried…
  • How to pay a part time employee in SAGE 50 Premium

    I want to set up an administrative employee (we do not bill her time out or want to assign it to any projects) with an hourly rate and no set amount of hours, as her hours vary from week to week, what is the easiest way to do this? I don't need the payroll…
  • US based organization paying Canadian independent contractor tax question

    Could anybody tell me if it would be ok to send a 1099 to a recently hired Canadian employee? If so, what tax ID do I use for him? Additionally, do I send a 1099 to the Canadian Fed, or does it need to be a different document?