• Ops Inquiry IC Item Inquiry tab sorting options

    Hello, Is there a way to change how a tab displays information in Ops Inquiry IC Item Inquiry? For example, Cust.Hist.Det. tab, I would like to sort by date descending so I can see most recent sales first. Is it possible to add a customer name to the…
  • Historical Item Sales by customer - using SQL

    Good morning, I am using the below SQL statement to get a sales per item number from my Sales History tables ( OESHHD and OESHDT ) as well as item cost in my Sales Posting Journal tables ( OEAUDH and OEAUDD ). However, when I compare my sql output my…

    Hi All, i'm feeling lost and think I've just confused myself. We bring an item in and receive it as LBS, we stock it as FT. 1 FT = .379166 lbs Example: Receive 364LBS - I want inventory to read 960 FT. I'm just not sure if SAGE divides…
  • Tax Class invalid input

    Hi, I try to import a spreadsheet from IC item list and when I proceed the following error show up: -Invalid input. Purchase tax class does not exist -Warning the next lot number does not contain an incrementable segment.You will not able to add…