• CS0120 data to accpac finder in COM API

    Is that possible to add CS0120 data to accpac finder in COM API, after browse the sql statement. mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView("CS0120", out csQry); sSQL = "Select Name, Description from MYDB.dbo.Table"; csQry.RecordClear(); csQry.Browse(sSQL, true); …
  • Use Browse() with "NOT IN" where clause/filter

    Hi, I need to do filtering using the "NOT IN" just like in SQL SERVER, but with Browse() function in ACCPAC library. I try using NOT IN with browse but got error, I guess its not supported. Is there other way to filter similar to "NOT IN"? Thank you.
  • A/R Receipt Batch List -> Default Ordering

    I was recently asked if there was a way that one could change the default sorting method for the selection of documents in an A/R Receipt Entry. It defaults to "Order By: PO Number" however, it was requested that I change this to default to "Order By…
  • How to do data filtering in macro VBA?

    Hi all, how do I do data filtering in macro? Lets say I want to filter by invoice number in OE0520