• Error message via API - Property 'ReceiptsAdjustments' on type 'Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AR.WebApi.Models.ReceiptAndAdjustmentBatch' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded.

    Team, I need your help. I would like to use the following request to receive payment: {{BASE_URL}}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches?$expand=ReceiptsAdjustments($filter=DocumentNumber eq 'PY00000000000000000133') But Sage 300…
  • Error message via API - Property 'ReceiptsAdjustments' on type 'Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AR.WebApi.Models.ReceiptAndAdjustmentBatch' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded.

    Team, I need your help. I would like to use the following request to receive payment: {{BASE_URL}}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches?$expand=ReceiptsAdjustments($filter=DocumentNumber eq 'PY00000000000000000133') But Sage 300…
  • Obtaining a list of payment allocations by payment number using API

    Hi Team, Could you advise on this question. To receive payment or credit memo allocations, Sage 300 API suggests using this API method ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches. I tried to use the API method to obtain a list of allocations by payment number. Example…
  • Obtaining invoices PDFs using the API

    Hi Team, Could you advise how to obtain the invoice PDF via API?
  • Obtaining a list of customers using the API

    Hi Team, Could you advise how to obtain a list of Customers via API? Now I use the GET request https://{{HOST}}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARCustomers('customer_name') But if I should receive a few customers, I should a single request for each Customer…
  • Web API OE Order Post - How to approve Order when Credit Limit has been exceeded?

    Hi, I'm currently creating OE Orders using the Web API and have hit an issue where a Customer will exceed the Credit Limit if the Order is created, and so get back the following from the API call: "Credit limit exceeded for customer x. The order will…
  • AccpacCOMAPI

    Hi there, I have a client on Sage 300 5.6 and have upgraded them to 2020. There was some legacy code written to connect an external program through the AccpacCOMAPI but it is now broken. Specifically, when I try to run this, it fails when trying to…
  • API endpoints

    Hi, I am trying to fetch product prices and product inventory, but couldn't find any which does the job. So, can you suggest me the suitable endpoints to fetch Item price and Item inventory?
  • CRM & Sage 300 integration stops working for no reason (reboot to get it to work again)

    cCRM V7.3 / S300 V2014 / SQL 2008 R2 / Win 2008 R2 A couple of times a month the integration between CRM & Sage 300 stops working. We get the message (session could not be opened) with number (2147221230) I have checked the services and IIS and…