• Posting AR or AP Batches using accpac advantage

    Hi all, I have already created C# program using Accpac Advantage to import AR and AP Batches into sage in Ready to Post Mode. But my client wants it to auto post after import to sage. So, is there any tutorial or example that I can reference for doing…
  • Anyone know how to Insert AR Invoice C# ACCPAC.Advantage

    I can insert a customer, i can insert a Vendor, but when i try to insert an invoice into AR, i get object set to null errors lol no matter what i do. I've been doing permutations of the code in hopes of finding WHY the error happens, i tried their RVSpy…
  • Using ACCPAC.Advantage and Error updating OE Views

    Hello We have a C# program that takes as its input a text file, processes the file and then posts the OE Order using the class ACCPAC.Advantage. We open the OE Views to create the OE Order. The programs runs every 15 minutes on a Windows Server with…
  • CS0120 data to accpac finder in COM API

    Is that possible to add CS0120 data to accpac finder in COM API, after browse the sql statement. mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView("CS0120", out csQry); sSQL = "Select Name, Description from MYDB.dbo.Table"; csQry.RecordClear(); csQry.Browse(sSQL, true); …
  • Exceptions with Empty Messages

    Note the is a .NET application written in C#. I have an application that imports orders, purchase orders and inventory items into Sage. The customer supplies a file that contains all of the purchase orders w/items. The file is parsed into purchase orders…
  • Sage Accpac.Advantage dll for integration into a custom application.

    Hi, I have written a c# application that uses accpac.advantage to reach out and get various data from the sage 300 views. Currently I have tested this and it works just fine on the Server install machine. The issue I am having is I wondered if this…