• Journal Entry errors: unable to add new GLJED row because of multiple error

    Hi, I am doing customization to add multiple lines to GLJED. But I get multiple error that I cannot find out why it is happening, note that I only trying to add to GLJED, not GLJEH Below is my code. Instead of getting the record by Batch in GLBCTL…
  • Use Browse() with "NOT IN" where clause/filter

    Hi, I need to do filtering using the "NOT IN" just like in SQL SERVER, but with Browse() function in ACCPAC library. I try using NOT IN with browse but got error, I guess its not supported. Is there other way to filter similar to "NOT IN"? Thank you.
  • How Company Color Code in Hex

    Hi I'm trying to get company color but I haven't the same color with Sage, Someone can help me please Dim Company As String Company = AccpacSession.CompanyID Dim System As String System = AccpacSession.Organizations(AccpacSession.CompanyID).SystemDatabaseID…