• Making an Explore view a shortcut

    I am wondering if there is a way to make a custom view from the business insights explorer a shortcut within the Explore Tab? am I able to put a custom view in here somehow as a shortcut?
  • How to find a work ticket number by using the sales order number

    Hi! I have been using SAGE for the past couple of years now; I still cannot figure out how to find a work ticket number if I only have the Sales order number. Can anyone help?
  • Simple Time Card Entry and Per Diem

    How do people manage per diem when employees are using the simple time card app? We're not seeing where it's an option.
  • E-FAIL error

    When adding a particular SO Header UDF to the report I get this error message. "data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status" I have reviewed all the data in the field and there are no unusual characters it's all numbers. the report…