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  • SalesJournal SetShipDate The field you are trying to change or function you are calling is not accessible under current circumstance.

    Hello Friends, I am using SAGE 2019.1 SDK for importing invoice in my application. I am getting error at the time of SetShip date "The field you are trying to change or function you are calling is not accessible under current circumstance.". I am getting…
  • Where payment terms are stored for the customer in Sage 50 CA Edition?

    I'm working on extracting data from the database sage 50 CA, but in the documentation containing the data definition , I have not found the relationship of the payment terms with customers, or where it is stored ( table). Here is the information that…
  • Where stored the data returned by the function wSDBFetchRecord ?

    I'm trying to extract data from tables in the database Sage 50 CA 2016, with a Visual Basic application that uses the SDK Sage 50 CA (Simply.ConnectionManagerService.dll). I'm using the function "wSDBSelectRecords" to extract the data And then I 'm…
  • How to capture the data returned wSDBSelectRecords in sage 50 2016 CA SDK with Visual Basic .NET?

    I´m using ConnectionManagerService.dll and I am using the function wSDBSelectRecords with this syntax: Call wSDBSelectRecords(iDBLink, iTBLink, "", 0, True) But I do not know how to capture the data you are going to select in a DataTable. I´m Working…
  • Creating customer through API aka stored procedures

    I have been trying to create a customer in Sage 500 by means of sage provided stored procedures. To start with, I have my own stored procedure which creates a record in staging table, ie. stgCustomer. Thereafter, I invoke a stored procedure(api by Sage…
  • Are there any stored procedure to create/update customer and customer contact?

    I recently started working with sage 500 api which is really a set of stored procedures. At this stage, I want to create/update a customer as well as the corresponding contact. Does anyone have any idea of what stored procedures to use for this purpose…
  • Export Sales Invoice in XML Format.

    Hi everyone I am looking for example of exporting sales invoice as XML using SDK Sage 50 Canadian Edition 2014.3 July I couldn't find anything like that in docs that came up with sdk .