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  • Show Action when condition is meet

    Hi all, I am creating a workflow. in my workflow, I want to have a condition before proceed to the next action. Based on this condition, I will show/hide the next action. for example: if Lead company is match (Lead_CompanyMatch='Y'), show action…
  • Conditional rule to achieve transition

    I am working on a workflow for our opportunity management and would like to create a rule which moves the opportunity to the next stage but also notifies a user via e mail if a field is over the value of 100000. I have tried a conditional rule with a…
  • Accessing CRM.CreateQueryObj from Workflow rule action Display Field for Amendment

    I'm carrying out some development at the moment where I need to run the CreateQueryObj method of the CRM object from inside the OnChange script of the workflow rule action Display Field for Amendment. The issue that I have is CRM is undefined. The Display…