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  • Moving Inventory from 000 to 8000 Warehouse - Do i need to change every open PO for Receiving

    Hello - I am moving current inventory out of 000 to another warehouse number . My question is do I need to go into every open PO and change the warehouse number or change I make a preference change?
  • Changing the FIFO dates in X3. Manually.

    Currently when product is received into X3 to any location it is tagged with a receipt date. This is the date that travels with the product and drives the FIFO order for each product. Is there a way to manually FIFO inventory to give more versatility…

    Can I automatically reference a purchase order when a inventory item is entered? I basically want to know what purchase order number an item came from when ordered. Our customer likes to know the original purchase order number for each item.. Also…
  • Warehouse Setup

    We have a warehouse that is not setup to track items at the Bin level - can this warehouse be changed to track at the Bin level?