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  • Security needed to use Copy in GESANM

    What security is needed for a user to use the copy feature in the GESANM function to copy sequences from one folder to another. I have a user that tries to copy from our test folder to our PRD folder and gets an error saying "Folder PRD Access Error to…
  • LDAP X3 V6.5 P37 Settings

    Dear ALl We have set the LDAP annuaire, the issue we face is that we have to enter the password of the service account directly in the table ANNUAIRE. If we use the small screen to enter the password directly from X3 the password is encrypted…
  • Dashboards

    For some reason I have a group of users that are unable to create customize dashboards. On the security profile, I have given them the rights to create the dashboards. Does a specific function have to be give for them to have this feature?'
  • LDAP authentication across domain trust

    Has anyone setup LDAP authentication with cross domain trusts and allowed members of the other domain to log in? I though it may work with the userid 2ndDomain\userid but it doesn't seem to work.