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  • Call SOAP web service within another in Sage X3

    Hello, I created a SOAP web service that calls a subprog on which I apply some logic and then call an object-based SOAP web service, like this: Subprog CONSUMED_BY_EXTERNAL_APPLICATION(SOME_PARAMETERS) #apply some logic, verifications, etc FOO …
  • Respuesta AOWSIMPORT

    Hola, para la creación de ciertos documentos mediante web services es necesario utilizar el método estandar AOWSIMPORT. Necesitariamos saber el id del documento creado. ¿Alguién tiene alguna solución? Muchas gracias.
  • Error on getting Record count for users by queryidnodate

    I want count from user table , so now i am executing query like queryidnodateresult idList = CRMService.queryidnodate("", "users", true); aisid[] myaisid = idList.records; MessageBox.Show("Number of IDs returned by query:"+myaisid.Length.ToString…
  • SOAP Request causes Access violation

    Hello community I'm trying to get the SOAP-Webservice in CRM to work but i get always an access violation error. this is how the request looks like... ################################################# POST /crm/eware.dll/webservices/SOAP HTTP…
  • webservice api with java

    Hi, I'm new to sage crm (also webservices) and I would like to use sage crm's webservice api (the localhost/crm/eware.dll/webservice/webservice.wsdl file). I followed the steps in the tutorial video that I have downloaded from here ( DP13 Sage CRM…