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  • Get all active Sales Taxes

    Hi, I am trying to get all active Tax Codes and iit's taxes using .NET SDK. From tTaxAuth table, I can get all Taxes ,from tTaxCode I am able to get all taxcodes and from tTxCdDtl table I am able to get Tax rate for each Taxcode's tax. I have removed…
  • SalesJournal SetShipDate The field you are trying to change or function you are calling is not accessible under current circumstance.

    Hello Friends, I am using SAGE 2019.1 SDK for importing invoice in my application. I am getting error at the time of SetShip date "The field you are trying to change or function you are calling is not accessible under current circumstance.". I am getting…
  • SDKInstanceManager OpenDatabase always returns false and has no error messages

    Hi, I'm trying to work through the C# sample project in the Sage 50 Accounting SDK (Simply) but for some reason I can't get the opendatabase connection to let me access the database. I have set up my user in the Sage app and I know my username and password…
  • dbClient.GetConnectionInfo(szFileDir, szHost, szPort) parameters

    I'm writing an application in VB.NET to run custom queries against the Sage 50 database. I've gone through the SDK manuals, but have some additional questions while walking through the sample code. We run the connection manager on the server and install…