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  • How to set date range for customer export? sage50 api question.

    Im exporting sage50 customer details in this code. Please let me know how can I set date range to the exporter object so that will pull only contact updates within certain dates. Code- exporter = (Export)ptApp.CreateExporter(PeachwIEObj.peachwIEObjContactsList…
  • SDKInstanceManager OpenDatabase always returns false and has no error messages

    Hi, I'm trying to work through the C# sample project in the Sage 50 Accounting SDK (Simply) but for some reason I can't get the opendatabase connection to let me access the database. I have set up my user in the Sage app and I know my username and password…
  • How to find log in credentials for Sage 50 database

    I am trying to go through some of the code examples in the SDK, obviously one of the first functions that runs is the database connection function. I have tried sysadmin with various passwords but I can never successfully connect to the database to try…
  • Add payments to invoices added through the SalesJournal?

    I am using the .NET SDK (C#) to export invoices and payments of those invoices from my own database into Sage50. I managed to create invoices (payment type = pay later) in the Sage50 db using the SalesJournal class. I now need to add payments for…
  • Where payment terms are stored for the customer in Sage 50 CA Edition?

    I'm working on extracting data from the database sage 50 CA, but in the documentation containing the data definition , I have not found the relationship of the payment terms with customers, or where it is stored ( table). Here is the information that…