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  • Error while writing a Purchase Order Invoice using C# to Sage 100 US

    Sage 100 Code: CI_ValGrpPORequired, Message: A purchase order number is required. when calling nSetValue with parameters InvoiceNo$, {InvoiceNumber} Could anyone please help me with the meaning of the error code CI_ValGrpPORequired. I have made…
  • JobOps WT Template Modification Through BOI

    Hey everyone! I'm attempting to modify and create/remove work ticket templates via BOI (through C# and Entity Framework) and I'm not having much luck. I'm not sure what object the template table is a part of and I haven't been able to find anything…
  • DCOM permissions and BOI

    Environment: IIS, .net CORE web API, ProvideX.Script COM object (Sage 100/ MAS90 2018 v4.5), Server 2012 R2. Starting with the workaround first: so far my workaround has been to allow my IIS identity pool ID full access to the DCOM computer…