• Integration with Outlook and Mailchimp

    Hi everyone, I have two queries. 1. Other than using Accelerator or Outlook Lite- are they any other options out there that can integrate Outlook with Sage CRM?In the alternative, are there other email clients that can integrate smoothly with Sage CRM…
  • Sage CRM with Sage Etendue

    Hello everyone, I am creating a quote from Sage Etendue, sometimes he adds me lines to my quote and sometimes he posts me the error below without knowing the cause!!! Can you help me please.
  • Integration with Sage 100

    Hi, I tried to activate the synchronization of my company with Sage 100, directly after the creation of the integration. Everything OK, but during the research don't take any output Here is attached my log files (Please visit the site to view this…
  • CRM Integration with SAGE100 ERP

    Hello I'm kind of new user of Sage CRM and i want to know is it possible to make a CRM integration with Sage 100 hosted on a remote server? Best regards