• List - Control the column width

    Is it possible to adjust the display width of a list page? I have the following list page and I would prefer that the Reference number did not "wrap" to the next line. Is there a way to force this column to always default to a fixed width? I want the…
  • Converting default ntext fields from an old install of CRM to nvarchar(max)

    This is a SQL script that will solve the problem associated with on-premise accounts that still have some ntext fields in their database from older versions of CRM. The ntext fields do not allow some of the actions that are used in the views of CRM…
  • Creating a compound filter (filterWhere) using the Client Side API

    This article is about the client side API. Specifically this article is concerned with how to write a script to handle the information within a grid and then apply an action to the cells, row or columns of the grid where more than one criteria is needed…
  • Control of Grids, Lists and Columns Using the Client Side API

    The Client Side API contains methods that make it much easier to select rows, columns and individual cells for manipulation. Properties can be set, new data displayed in tool tips and the style of each cell can be changed. The documentation contains…
  • Useful Date Functions

    Occasionally you will need to fetch a date from either the CRM database or perhaps from an external system that is then needs to be formatted so it looks like a CRM date. All users are able to set their date preferences. The are other articles that…
  • Building Lists without reference to Metadata in the ASP COM API

    Above is a picture of a new list added into the My CRM area of Sage CRM. The code below shows how a list can be created using the ASP COM API. var intRecordId = CRM.GetContextInfo("user","user_userid"); var Arg = "oppo_assigneduserid="+intRecordId; var…
  • The importance of column prefixes in tables exposed via the Web Services API

    This is a little quirk. If you have added a new table into the CRM database that you intend to access via the webservices interface, then be sure that the table column makes use of column prefixes. For example if you have added a new project table then…
  • How do I remove the Type column from the PersonList?

    The personlist list block is defined under the Admin>Customization>person>lists area but the column for the type is added by the dll. The column draws its information from the translations (custom_captions) that control the different 'types' of person…
  • Team calendar - Agenda and Tasks.

    Hello! We are working with a sale manager that needs to be able to see who the assigned user is on the Agenda and Task screens for the Team calendar. They are currently using CRM 2017 R3. Is it possible to add a column to the Team Agenda and Task lists…