• Employee Benefits

    Hi I am a Financial Planner and find myself, almost always, in the most frustrating scenario planning stage when clients (Employers) as well as their Employees would like to see how the different options of employee benefits will look like on their…
  • SAGE 5.7a Update - ETI - Weekly's

    Good day, Please advise on Weekly payrolls that need to roll over into the 1st week of September, can in fact roll over in the meantime or do we need to wait for the 6th as well due to the ETI update?

    I have been working on VIP for 29 years and for the last 21 years been advocating that VIP is the nr 1 Payroll system in South Africa. I am currently on VIP Classic and as you can see I have been a client of VIP forever. I am lately so unhappy with…