• Increase screen history data export

    Good day We would like to export all increase history from the Increase Screen into a editable format, please advise how to do this? Thank you Natasja Kruger 011 300 2700 U11990 Increase screen export.pdf
  • How do I export the employee tax bracket percentage into a report?

    In our industry, our customers reward our employees for safe working. They require the specific employees' tax bracket % as they include the tax in order for the employees to get the full benefit of the reward. My question is: How do I export the employees…
  • Sage 200c VIP - ACB export error message: "Please select a Destination Path for the export "

    We have identified an issue that affects Sage 200c VIP users, exporting the ACB files on Release 5.2a: Scenario: Your ACB layout is Standard Bank CATS (Pre- or Free Format) When you export the ACB file on Release 5.2a, the "browse" button is not…