• Be in the Know: Turn on Notifications for the Latest Community Updates and Discussion!

    Thank you to all our members for actively engaging in our community. We aim to foster a friendly community while keeping you informed with important news and updates. Remember to enable notifications so you never miss out on any announcements regarding…
  • From Virtual to Vital: Exploring the purpose of our Community Hub!

    Our Community Hub is a place where members from all over the world can connect and share knowledge. It's important to remember that our community exists because of you, and we encourage you to take advantage of all it has to offer. As Sage, we also…
  • Supporting our community through discussions

    Having joined our community, you probably have the following thought: "What should I do next? The answer is that once you've successfully joined our community, we'd appreciate it if you could participate in discussions by sharing some interesting and…
  • How to use the search function in our Community Hub!

    By using the search function, you may discover that the question you have has already been asked. Furthermore, the search function can save you time by getting you answers quickly. Additionally, the function can be used to help create replies to…