• evolution 200 - stock price

    Good Day, We are using evolution version 7. Are there a way to GRV your stock item but not changing the price on the stock item. but the GRV amount needs to be correct in my accounts payable side. ie. we paid last month R200 for this item and…
  • Sage EVolution 200 ver10.0.3.005

    I am using segmented ledger so when i want to process an invoice its giving the error below. May you kindly assist.
  • Delayed Processing when Merging Unprocessed Sales Order

    Since Upgrading from Sage Evolution 7 to Sage 200, anytime I merge Several Unprocessed Sales Orders into 1 invoice (one customer/timeframe within 1 month.....number of orders immaterial - same time for 2 orders as well as 20 orders) , the transaction…
  • Sales order Invoice Vs Sales Invoice

    Hello, I am getting around with Sales orders entry, after using the inventory invoicing input for most of the sales transactions. I do not understand the difference between a "Sales Order Invoice" and an "Invoice" generated trhough the inventory-transactions…
  • How to generate a report showing sales orders not processed yet?

    Hi there We are trying to correct stock levels on our system but before we do that, we need to remove old Sales orders (which we used to generate pro-forma invoices using a design template we created). There are a lot that was never processed to an…