• Create Installed Base for Components Consumed in Service Response

    Currently, Installed Base (Customer Base) is only created for an item after Sales Shipment Validation, Direct Invoice Validation, etc. but not after the same item is consumed as part of a Service Response. In a typical trades and service business scenario…
  • Add advanced costs to Sales and Inventory modules

    There are advanced costs for purchase module: for Purchase order / PO receipt / PO invoice / PO shipment based on product-supplier records (cost structures) with ability to capture costs and reflect in inventory valuation. We suggest to extend this…
  • Moving Entries so They dont hit the current Period

    The system currently stops us from closing a period do the following two errors. There is still some subcontract in process that needs to be posted. Some stock movements still need to be posted. Once we identify the entries how can we not close…
  • Vendor Lot Number on Count

    Does x3 have a field where we can enter the Vendor Lot number on the count?Currently it only has the system generated ones.