crystal report and recurring tasks


We created a recurring task and linked a crystal report that has date$ as default date for both start/end date.   The task is to run once a day however it appears that the date is not automatically changing to the current date and we need to manually change the date in the parameter field.

so question is- how can we have the task default the report parameters automatically so it runs on the designated time each day?

any help is appreciated



  • 0

    Be glad to know if you ever succeeded with this Christine?

  • +1 in reply to Lachlan Stead

    For the date fields on a recurring task you will need to use the "Relative Date" setup. It's more straightforward with most of the batch tasks, You should be able use magnifying glass the pick the date type fields, but it's trickier with report. 

    On your report parameters, the "First Value" is under the field VALEUR1 and the "Final value" is under VALEUR2. However, since it's a grid, you need to count the line to see which parameter is the date field so you can specify it under the "Relative date" setup. 

    For example, if you want schedule the PINVOICE report to today's date. In the recurring task parameter setup, you first specify the report code and all other parameters. Then as you can see on the screenshot, the date parameter is on the 4th line. Since in X3, the line number count starts from 0, so to specify this field in the relative date setup, you need to use  [RPT]VALEUR1(3) 

    It's a bit hard to explain in writing.  I hope this helps. 

  • 0 in reply to Mike Tsai


    Solution provided works wonderfully.

    There's a lot of options to play with in Recurring Task management as well: