• Failed to Write to streamed data. Timeslips 2017

    Timeslips 2017. One month old install. Power went out recently once but I don't know if that is involved. Error occurs when trying to run aged accounts receivable report or Pre-Bill Worksheet. Failed to Write to streamed data. The file may be damaged…
  • Generate Reports based on Client Not Client/Matter

    In our Timeslips we have client matters setup as the name of the Client first then a "/" then the name of the matter. This allows for us to do consolidating billing and also to use the master as a template. However, it makes generating Client specific…
  • How do I generate a report that shows Attorney, Amounts Billed for a certain period and Invoice Status amount at the same time?

    Does anyone know how to generate a report that shows Attorney, Amounts Billed for a certain period (A/R Transaction Date), and Invoice Status (Paid/Partially Paid) amount at the same time? I cannot find/create a report with these three items. Please advise…
  • User defined reporting - "In Reference to" in Slips

    Hello all, I am creating user defined reports in Timeslips 2017 (perpetual license). I have been merrily creating Client reports which include the "in reference to" field from the client record. Not a problem I have tried creating User Defined Slip…
  • security for timekeepers

    So I need to allow some of my employees to enter and edit their time entries and ALSO view other's time but NOT edit that time. I understand setting up different security settings, but am unable to come up with the combination of security choices to allow…
  • Report for billed and unbilled time

    We are doing an audit of an attorney. I am looking for a report that will show me each client the attorney billed. The attorney is saved on the client's custom tab under "controller" I need all billed and unbilled slips. I was thinking I would do a…