• Purge Taking Forever and Going Very Slow

    Hello, Long story short I am purging closed clients and it's going unbelievably slowly. I am trying to purge the database from everything from our closed clients. When I run the purge, I select "Closed" clients and nothing else, no other filters…
  • Does Purging a Matter Remove it Completely from the Database?

    When I set a client/matter as Closed and then use the Purge tool, it certainly seems like the client/matter is gone, but is it still in the database, just marked as something else. OR does it get completely removed from the database? Thanks
  • Purging old data

    Since Timeslips 2016 was running slow I purged data prior to 2014. My time and expense slips are purged but my A/R did not purge. My database still shows Accounts Receivables back to 1999. Does anyone know why these didn't purge? Any suggestions for how…