• Forced Migration to HRMS Premium version

    I just saw the announcement about Migrating to the "Premium" version of HRMS and it got me wondering, when will updates for the existing version of HRMS (perpetual licensing) stop? Will we be forced to move to the SaaS model at some point? 1 yr, 5yr,…
  • Sage Abra HRMS / SQL Server compatibility/ System requirements

    Hi there, I'm hoping I could get an answer on this forum. We are using an old version (10.1029) of Sage Abra SQL HRMS Client and we are upgrading our SQL server to Windows Server 2012 R2 and also planning to upgrade to either (SQL 2014\ SQL 2016 whichever…
  • Sage HRMS 2014 install issue

    Anybody else have this issue. Trying to install HRMS on a workstation. The installation starts but then "rolls back" without giving any error message. It is a Windows 7 workstation. Thanks in advance
  • IN THE WILD; VOL 7. ARE YOU READY TO UPGRADE TO 2015?! Are you sure?

    Hello Sage Citizens. before jumping into the main topic I wanted to talk a little bit about the title of the series and why i chose it. There is a nature series produced by the BBC starring (at different time) Sir David Attenborough and Steve Erwin…