• Annual Salary as of a date

    Is there an expression to return an employee's annual salary as of a specific date? The requirement its to calculate an employee's salary as of Jan 1 each year.
  • Vets 4212 Detail list

    Is anyone missing employees from their VETS 4212 Detail List Standard report in HRMS 2017 v.10.7049?
  • Pending Timeoff Requests not visible for action

    We currently have a situation where pending time off requests are not showing in either the employee or manager list views to be actioned, however, they are visible in the TimeOff Calendar. In all of the cases, the date for the request has already passed…
  • HRMS Canadian Payroll: Ontario Employer Health Tax

    In HRMS 2017 Canadian Payroll, does anyone know how to set up Ontario Employer Health Tax? Specifically, where do we enter the exemption amount? We've pulled the tax code from HRMS table, but there is for field to set exemption and the system starts calculating…
  • Benefit Plans with Provisions

    Our company offers 2 different health insurance options (Traditional and HDHP). We also have provisions if the employee or spouse are a smoker, as well as a provision for working spouse. We currently use the User Defined field under the benefit code to…