• Annual Salary as of a date

    Is there an expression to return an employee's annual salary as of a specific date? The requirement its to calculate an employee's salary as of Jan 1 each year.
  • Has anyone successfully modified the ESS pay stub Crystal Report?

    We are trying to change from using the earnings totals to using the gross pay totals on the ESS pdf. However, every time I change anything on the report (even just removing a text object), the print/post checks process gives an error that there are no…
  • Errors When Running Secure Queries in HRMS

    We are getting the following errors when running secure queries out of HRMS. We upgraded from Abra to HRMS and are live now but they don't work. We tried on 5 different workstations and received the same errors. I am receiving the errors on my computer…
  • Benefit Plans with Provisions

    Our company offers 2 different health insurance options (Traditional and HDHP). We also have provisions if the employee or spouse are a smoker, as well as a provision for working spouse. We currently use the User Defined field under the benefit code to…